Rate our Pitch Locator PRO App!




Get 10 Charts FREE!


$10 off your Next Order!

Rate our Pitch Locator PRO and review the App, and we’ll create a GameGrade Personal Subscription account for you, allowing 10 FREE Downloads OR forward a $10 Credit to your next GameGrade Order!

If you already have an account, we’ll extend your subscription another year for you to get your 10 Free Downloads.

After your review is posted, please take a screenshot or forward the review you posted and your username, along with the email you would like your account associated with.

If you currently have an account, we will add 10 more downloads for you in 2022.


Again, if you are already a Subscriber, we will credit your account for another year so you can download up to 10 more charts!

Once verified we will build or credit your account to Download your Free Charts! If you don't need downloads, we will forward a $10 credit to your next order!


Whether you order in the Fall or Spring- makes no difference! Just be sure to Rate/Review before the end of August!


We’d love to hear from you and value your input!

From your iPhone or iPad scroll down on the app display page, then click on the links in the app store circled below.

Already downloaded? You can search 'Pitch Locator Pro' in the app store on your device. Tap 'Pitch Locator Pro' and you will be taken to the App's Display Page.



As always- Thank you for choosing GameGrade. It’s our privilege to serve you and your program.


This offer applies to GameGrade Charts.

Coach Submitted Charts are not included.