Coach Submitted Charts
The charts below have been submitted to GameGrade by Coaches sharing their chart ideas.
Our Submitted Baseball/Softball Charts can now be purchased and downloaded on our Charts Page.
Our Submitted Football Charts can also be purchased via our Charts Page.
If you are interested in purchasing any of our submitted charts via PayPal invoice, simply email the title of the Coach Submitted Chart to and we will email your invoice for convenient online credit card payment.
If you have any questions, concerns or are interested in Season Sets of our Submitted Charts, please email:
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We will respond to your request within 48 hours.
Thank you.
The following submitted charts are available for anyone to purchase :
$15.00 Baseball Game Spray $15.00 Softball Game Spray
Download on our Charts Page
$15.00 Spray Chart
Download on our Charts Page
Download on our Charts Page
Download on our Charts Page
Kevin Trost Charts Bio
$7.00 Baseball/Softball Hitter's Chart $7.00 Baseball/Softball Pitch Count Chart
Download on our Charts Page
$7.00 Softball Bullpen Chart $7.00 Softball Pitcher's Scouting Report Chart
Download on our Charts Page
Catcher's Throwing Chart
This chart allows coaches to track pop-times and velocities on throws to first, second and third base. It also lets the coach grade out the player on various aspects of throwing as well as track quality and types of throws
Heart-Beat Charts
Hitter's Flow Chart/Pitcher's Chart
These charts track each hitter's pitch flow in each at bat. Nicknamed the 'Heart-Beat Chart" the charter will go up and down with each pitch based on positive or negative results, then they will connect the dots to provide an easy to identify flow for each hitter or pitcher to see.
QB Rating Calculator {Excel}
Easy to use Spreadsheet. Simply type in your QB's Stats and the sheet will calculate the rating automatically. Great for any level!
Coach's Game Notes - This chart should be printed front and back (offense on one side/defense on other) to quickly record positives and negatives from your coach's box instead of trying to remember everything after the game. Meant for legal sized paper and can fold accordion style to fit in back pocket with line-up card. Also, print some off for your assistant coachs to be able to compare notes after the game in an organized way to insure nothing is left out for future success.